“So what does Policy Analytics do?”


This is a question that we often get, and it is a fair one since we do not operate within typical industry lanes.  We’ve created this redesigned website to help answer that question — to explain who Policy Analytics is, how we add value for our clients, and how you can get in touch with us to explore future services.

Policy Analytics helps public sector leaders make confident decisions by bringing clarity to complex fiscal policy issues. 

If you lead a public sector organization, we can partner with you to help:

  • Our School Services, led by Barry Gardner, assist superintendents and business officials with revenue forecasting, cash flow analysis and strategic financial planning.
  • Our State and Local Government Services support state and local leaders in understanding the implications of public policy changes, forecasting revenues and planning for a fiscally sustainable future.
  • Our Fiscal and Economic Policy Analysis expertise provides a fiscal policy lens to support implementation-focused strategic planning and research efforts.


Please schedule a call if you would like to discuss how Policy Analytics can support your organization, and sign up for our mailing list to keep up to date on happenings at Policy Analytics.


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