School Services

We forecast revenue and model cash flows for large and small school corporations.

Property Tax Revenue Forecasting
Policy Analytics has built and maintains a proprietary Local Government Revenue Model to forecast property tax revenue impacts for school districts.
- Policy Analytics can produce tax base forecasts and accurately estimate circuit breaker cap credits for any school district by modeling property taxes on a parcel basis.
- We can estimate the impact of state and local policy changes on both taxpayers and taxing units.
- The analysis can provide forecast data on property tax revenue in the debt service, operations, and operating referendum, along with a detailed projection of future assessed value.
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Please fill the form below to request copy of our sample reports.
Cash Flow Modeling
Policy Analytics can build out and maintain a cash flow model for school districts in the major funds.
- Policy Analytics develops and implements a cash flow model that includes both current calendar year projections and extends those projections into a 10-year forecast.
- The cash flow model provides both account and object code level data for deeper analysis of the school district’s finances.
- Provides analysis of monthly cash flow trends and changes along with a professional monthly one-page summary for district communication.
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Please fill the form below to request copy of our sample reports.
Strategic Planning
Public sector leaders must weigh various competing factors when making effective policy decisions. Policy Analytics has the expertise to build a framework to evaluate the fiscal implications of complex policy decisions.
- We can estimate proposed policy ideas' financial and tax implications so that leaders understand the impact before making a policy decision.
- We help school districts understand the potential implications of legislative changes.
- Policy Analytics assists in analyzing the impact of referendums for both the school district and the taxpayer with the ability to provide a referendum calculator for the school district.
- Policy Analytics provides a partner to school districts in brainstorming, planning, and creating a framework for analysis of the issues that schools face each day
Data Analytics
Policy Analytics has a database to help school districts evaluate their financial picture and dive deep into available information to make informed decisions.
- Policy Analytics can provide expenditure analysis for school districts to understand where their dollars are going.
- We can provide school district peer comparison reviews on revenues and expenditures for all major funds at both the account and object code level that provides school districts an understanding of how their spending compares to other schools.
- We can help create metrics and benchmarks to frame public policy decisions that are fiscally sustainable.
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Policy Analytics is proud to partner with school districts from across the state. These districts are a few of our great partnerships. Policy Analytics is also a proud sponsor of the Indiana Association of School Business Officials and the Indiana Urban Schools Association.