Our Services
Policy Analytics can help you make confident fiscal policy decisions.

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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
- Suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis. Sed id semper risus in hendrerit gravida.
- Consequat interdum varius sit amet. Cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean.
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Economic Impact Analysis
Understanding the employment and economic impact of public policy initiatives and economic development proposals provides decision makers with insight on the best use of resources.
- We use professionally accepted methodologies and econometric models to evaluate the economic impact of economic development projects and transportation improvements.
- We use in-house methodologies to estimate the impacts to state and local budgets.
We help local government leaders understand their revenue sources and model complex proposals to bring clarity and confidence to fiscal policy decisions.
Tax Increment Financing
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a flexible, yet complex tool to enable municipalities and counties to execute their economic development goals.
- We help local units understand and manage their TIF data, and evaluate performance by using custom mapping, data models, and pro forma tools.
- We provide structure and rigor to the economic development decision making process by providing a framework for modeling TIF revenues, phasing and implications for neighboring taxing units.
- We can help local governments communicate the status, progress and performance of their TIF areas using an array of analytical and reporting tools.
Property Tax Revenue Forecasting
Policy Analytics has built and maintains a proprietary Local Government Revenue Model to forecast property tax revenues impacts for governmental units.
- Policy Analytics can produce tax base forecasts and accurately estimate circuit breaker cap credits for any taxing unit by modeling property taxes on a parcel basis.
- We can estimate the impact of state and local policy changes on both taxpayers and taxing units.
Fiscal Impact Analysis
Public sector leaders must weigh a wide range of competing factors when making effective policy decisions. Policy Analytics has the expertise to build a framework to evaluate the fiscal implications of complex policy decisions.
- We can estimate the financial and tax implications of proposed policy ideas so that leaders understand the impact before making a policy decision.
- We help communities understand changing dynamics like community growth, annexation, and costs of services.
- We can help create metrics and benchmarks to frame public policy decisions that are fiscally sustainable.
We help local government leaders understand their revenue sources and model complex proposals to bring clarity and confidence to fiscal policy decisions.
Transportation Economics
A strong regional economy is reliant on the efficient movement of people and goods throughout the region.
- We analyze the connections between transportation networks and the regional economy, and quantify the economic impact of transportation improvements, allowing policy makers weigh a project’s benefits to its cost.
- We model transportation funding sources, and identify funding sources to develop sustainable transportation improvement plans.
Strategic and Comprehensive Planning
Communities rely on their strategic plans, comprehensive plans, and economic development strategies to improve service delivery and quality of life for their residents.
- We supplement the engineering and planning disciplines in long term plans to add a fiscal and economic sustainability element to the planning process.
- Our focus on implementation results in plans that are actionable and are backed with a realistic funding strategy.
Economic Impact Analysis
Understanding the employment and economic impact of public policy initiatives and economic development proposals provides decision makers with insight on the best use of resources.
- We use professionally accepted methodologies and econometric models to evaluate the economic impact of economic development projects and transportation improvements.
- We use in-house methodologies to estimate the impacts to state and local budgets.